Sunday, April 20, 2003

no fucking way

You won't believe what happened last night. A cop came to the door and asked for me. John was all like, oh God, what did you do? LOL. But!! He was here to tell us!! That the Elyria Police!! FOUND MY PURSE!! Which was STOLEN!! In NOVEMBER!! We had to go get it that night. The cop was uber hot. My pics of Tris were still in there, but they'd been in someone's "treelawn" (whatthefuckisatreelawn?) for five months and so are very smeary. The cockfaces took all the CHANGE out of my purse. Can you imagine being that poor?? It makes me sooooo mad - it was found just feet from my dad's house, where we had looked up and down the street for an hour. If I would have just known then.... :( Anyway. There were so many little buggies living in there that I took what I could still use (library card, social security cards, grocery card, etc.) and just tossed the thing in the garage. I didn't want the snailies to die! It's not their fault that their house just happened to be my purse!! Now they can live happily in our fabulous rural dirt. As for the dirt who stole my purse in the first place... I hope all those pennies bought you a fine bottle of Boone's, or some milk for your kid, or a joint. Oh, and fuckyouverymuch.