Tuesday, March 18, 2003

po' wahtrash

I was just looking over the week's receipts when I came across this announcement: ''Design your engagement ring at WalMart.com!'' Isn't that so classy?

In related news: Today on Jerry Springer, a newly-outed pair of trailer park lesbians decided to - what else - get nekked and rub boobies together. The twist? One of them was wearing granny panties. (I wanted to show you the actual picture, but apparently you have to join the Jerry Springer Fan Club to see it, and that costs $9.95. A MONTH. What. the. fuck.) Now honestly, folks... if you *knew* you were going to be on a television show where 95% of the guests remove at least *some* of their clothing, wouldn't you wear some less embarassing underthings? And what self-respecting, non-post-partum 21-year-old wears granny panties anyway? (Oh wait, did I just use "self-respecting" and "Jerry Springer guest" in the same paragraph? What WAS I thinking?)